Overcoming Kryptonite

Superman was born, loved, nurtured and saved by his beloved parents on his “home” planet Krypton.

Isn’t it interesting that even a very small piece of this wonderful planet, after falling victim to violent explosions and outside elements has now become something a cancerous force that weakens and nearly kills him who is ‘super’?  Kryptonite.  Something to think about…  (There’s a church talk here… a much deeper lesson.)

The ‘nearly’ part is the best of this analogy though that stands out to me, as through all his super-battles and adversarial foes, challenges and ills, he overcomes… every single time.  This ‘superhero’ overcomes.

His strength and endurance is a fun, lively example for us, yet an even BETTER and real-life super-hero set an even HIGHER example for us; our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Talk about adversity, foes, challenges, pain, suffering and the deepest of woes…

This ‘superhero’ overcomes…




He sure ‘gets it’ and ‘gets’ us as well.  The perfect example of humility, endurance, patience and fearlessly overcoming the greatest Kryptonite before him with obedience, love, service and submission to Father’s will.

It would be super-fun to be a super-hero, yet my heart and spirit yearn to be more Christ-like in my doings, for HE is the Ultimate Super HERO.

Feel the LOVE of our Savior wrapping His arms around you!

My friends, whatever ‘Kryptonite’ you face, may you feel the LOVE of our Savior wrapping His arms around you until you regain your strength through your adversity and become again a ‘hero’ here on earth.  Because we can CHOOSE to say ‘no’ to many pieces of kryptonites crossing our path and will manage the others through faith, love, hope and much time on our knees in humble prayer. 

May you remember YOUR POWER through the love of your Savior.

May you ever live in JOY with LOVE… SOLID.

Much Love,


(I’m headed out livin’ life with an exclamation point!)



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