A Snails Pace

A snail’s pace…   

What does that really mean?  

Travelling 133 hours a mile?  🤣


My thoughts about this little guy are these:  


first, I snapped the second picture… 

and then realized he was in the dark, 

and the light was on the other side.


So I took this first picture. 

What a beautiful shell!  

After closer examination, I found that his translucent body actually seemed to let the light pass “through” him, though he “seemed” to be in the dark, yet was actually illuminated through the inside. 

We choose what we allow ourselves to “see”… And therefore, “be.”

He almost looks like a different snail.  


Think about that for a moment…

Do we let the “light” in…

really in? 


Do we see someone’s dark side and ignore another perspective of illumination?  


Do we allow ourselves to carry the light wherever we go?

We choose what we allow ourselves to “see”… And therefore, “be.”


Then there’s his shell… 

a beautiful, intricate work of art 

that he takes with him everywhere he goes. 

His home… reprieve, and “safe place.”  


He carries his home WITH him ALWAYS. 


Isn’t that the same with us? 


We take what we’ve learned at home…

our heart learnings… 

and venture out in the world with them. 


Don’t they say, “Home is where the heart is,” 

“Home Sweet Home,” 

and “There’s no place like home?” 


This little guy travels up, down, sideways and all around with his home nearby…  


We too may have the comfort of “home” when and where we choose to carry it all our days… 


Then there is the “snail trail”!  


Some might see it differently, but today, I choose to see it as his legacy that he leaves behind.  


He’s not hiding where he came from… 

and is quite determined in where he’s going…

so has left a brief path from whence he came.  


What about our legacy… our “trail”?  

Will it be a joyful one?

Will it have made a difference in someone’s life?  

Is your trail visible for others to see, follow, learn from? Are you part of the Good Happening?

Today I saw a snail… 


Quite ordinary, 

yet if I didn’t open my eyes, 

really open them… 

I might have missed much.  


Final lesson from my little friend is to “see” the blessings in the small stuff.  


You matter.

You CAN do it. 

You are NEVER alone. 


Carry with you loving thoughts of your Heavenly Home and keep moving forward with a determined effort. 

– even if sometimes you feel like you’re travelling at 133 hours a mile.


Follow the example of our Savior at your best. 

“SEE” the blessings in the small stuff. You matter.

You CAN do it.

You are NEVER alone.

You got this!  

Because Good Happens! 

Even at a snail’s pace…

Much Love,


(I’m headed out livin’ life with an exclamation point!)



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