

Overcoming Kryptonite

Overcoming Kryptonite

Superman was born, loved, nurtured and saved by his beloved parents on his “home” planet Krypton. Isn’t it interesting that even a very small piece of this wonderful planet, after falling victim to violent explosions and outside elements has now become something a...

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Visualization Fail?  Or was it?

Visualization Fail? Or was it?

Years ago, I was in a seminar and the facilitator asked everyone to visualize butterflies... A field of them.  This process was new for me and seemed to take extra concentration and refocus to 'see' them. And. Then. I saw him. Bright as ever. This vibrant little...

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A Snails Pace

A snail's pace...    What does that really mean?   Travelling 133 hours a mile?  🤣   My thoughts about this little guy are these:     first, I snapped the second picture...  and then realized he was in the dark,  and the light was on the other side.  ...

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