Visualization Fail? Or was it?

Years ago, I was in a seminar and the facilitator asked everyone to visualize butterflies… A field of them.  This process was new for me and seemed to take extra concentration and refocus to ‘see’ them.



I saw him.

Bright as ever.

This vibrant little hummingbird flitting around JoyFULLy over the left side of my butterfly field.  

I couldn’t ‘un-imagine’ him or wish him away, though I tried harder and harder to do so. 

I couldn’t see what I was ‘supposed’ to see, as I secretly loved that he was there to visit, to add energy and happy!

It was unexpected.


Was I really doing it wrong? How hard could this be?

At first, I felt I was doing it wrong… 

The facilitator then proceeded to ask us to imagine that we had butterfly wings and then later to find out what color they were.


I couldn’t see wings, hard as I tried.

And it felt like ‘I’ was a failure.

It was uncomfortable.

I felt alone.

I felt I couldn’t…

I kept thinking about that hummingbird though, and the little guy made me smile…  


Then all of a sudden this visualization became ‘special’ to me and I was PROUD about my little visitor.  All of a sudden, I didn’t feel left out for not having seen colored wings.  

I saw what I saw and IT WAS JoyFULL TO ME and 




Hey, I mean, ‘they’ ONLY saw butterflies and ‘I’ got this cool, awesome, vibrant hummingbird after all!!!

So sometimes our failures are perceived.

Sometimes we focus on what’s missing.

Perhaps we can focus on what’s there.

Focus on good, to see more good.

Focus on joy, to feel more joy.

Focus on love,




What we focus on is magnified, so quick, find the good!

?????  What’s been your visualization experience ?????

Send me a message below.

Enjoy your own unique journey!

May you ever live in JOY with LOVE… SOLID.

Much Love,


(I’m headed out livin’ life with an exclamation point!)



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